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SalesBlogcast – Sales and Leadership Blog published a new entry entitled “We’re In This Together!” on 10/21/2008 7:29:40 PM, written by Doyle Slayton.
We’re In This Together!
I was driving to work through downtown Dallas today. As I looked to my right I saw a homeless man lean over and kiss is wife on the forehead. She looked up and smiled. They looked at each other in a way that appeared to say, “As long as we stick together, everything will be ok.” Those little moments always put things in perspective. So often, as sales people, we prefer to do things as individuals. We like to do things our own way. Sometimes, we have to pause for just a moment and remind ourselves that it is important to stay humble. I think back on the countless times that I have had someone standing right beside me… through the good times, and the bad. It has given me the strength I needed in knowing, “We’re in this together… everything is going to be ok.”