I got an email this morning from T. Boone Pickens. He is an oilfield businessman from Texas that is concerned about our nation’s dependence on foreign oil and has a plan (Pickens Plna) to address this problem. However, the reason I am posting his email in this blog Iwas taught the same as Boone that no matter who is elected as President, we get behind that individual as our President, support them and come together as Americans. I am sending a congratulatory note to President Obama and I ask you to do the same.
Here is T. Boone Pickens email:
Boone here,
Years ago my dad told me that we always need to get behind the new President, regardless of who we vote for. He told me that after Election Day, we all go back to being Americans first and party loyalists second.
His advice to me then is just as important today as it was then – maybe even more so.
President-elect Obama will need our help to end our addiction to foreign oil. The answer to this problem is not about one idea or one individual – it’s about all of us coming together to solve this problem.
I’m sending President-elect Obama a hand-written note congratulating him on his victory and would like to ask you to do the same – an email, post-card or letter – regardless of whether or not you voted for him. Let him know we’re here to help him make a difference and that his support of the Pickens Plan is our country’s way to create hundreds of thousands of new energy jobs and kick-start this ailing economy.