I think we can agree that Dynamics CRM is one of the most useful and dynamic tools on the market for sales, marketing and customer care. So what can Microsoft possibly do to make CRM better? After sitting through the CRM training blitz this morning about what’s new in the Dynamics CRM 2011 update, I will say it is exciting. Even though the CRM team is using the corny catch phrase, “catch the fever,” after going through the training “I got a fever, and the prescription is more cow bell…I mean CRM.” Ok, so maybe my Saturday Night Live reference does not directly apply but Microsoft has done a lot with this update and I am excited to see the doors that will be opened with the new feature set.
There were four key trends that the Microsoft CRM team emphasized about the future of business and how the CRM 2011 update adds value to every organization with its new functionality:
1) Mobile – A key trend in business is the ability to stay productive without being tethered to a desk. One of the greatest advantages you will get with the new functionality is the ability to use Dynamics CRM on any mobile device whether it’s your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Now you have the ability to maximize productivity while staying in front of prospects and customers.
2) Social – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. These are just a few of the social applications available to help people stay connected. So why not capitalize on the ability to have the same social connectivity within your organization and to your customers? Through live RSS feeds in CRM your team will have a collaborative pulse on everything going on within the business meaning that everyone within your organization will be empowered to offer the best service to your customers and prospects.
3) Big data and analytics – New to CRM 2011 is the ability to provide personal and customized dashboards to everyone within your organization. Through real time analysis of data, you can make sure that every area of your business is running at maximum efficiency.
4) Cloud – The cloud is a major focus for Microsoft products. Products like Dynamics CRM and Office 365 are already deployed in the Azure Cloud. Products like Dynamics GP 2013 scheduled to release in Q1 of 2013 will also have web based access through the Azure Cloud. However, what you also get with Microsoft products is the choice in deployment between on premise, partner hosted cloud or Microsoft’s Azure Cloud. Partners like Njevity will help you choose the best deployment and you also have the ability to move between deployments if your needs change.
So why have 2.25 million users already chosen Dynamics CRM? Dynamics CRM leads all other CRM’s in capability and flexible configurations. It is familiar to users making users more productive and offers the highest ROI in the industry. In a study conducted by Forrester, ROI for Dynamics CRM 2011 is 243% and pays for itself in just 4 months. Now, just imagine the efficiencies you will gain with the new features in the CRM 2011 update. Stay tuned to learn more after CRM Blitz Day 2 scheduled next week.