Grant Permissions for Manufacturing SmartLists

When using Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics GP (both GP 2010 and GP 2013), people not assigned to the POWERUSER role are unable to see Manufacturing SmartLists by default – even users who are assigned MFG ADMIN and MFG_INQUIRY roles.

To grant permissions for these, you need to include them with a task. You can assign the permissions to whichever task you choose. I choose to assign different SmartLists to their matching inquiry task (INQ_MFG_XXX), in case custom roles are added for which there should be limited manufacturing permissions.

To add SmartLists to a Security Task:

1. Open the Security Task Setup window (Administration >> Setup >> Security >> Security Tasks)
2. Choose the Task ID for which you would like to add SmartList permissions
3. Select Product: Smartlist, Type: SmartList Object, Series: SmartList Objects
4. Check the boxes next to the SmartLists you would like to include
5. Click Save

The tasks to which I assign Manufacturing SmartLists:

— Bill of Materials

— Manufacturing Orders
— Picklists
— Recorded Outsourcing Shipments
— Sales Documents Not Linked to Manufacturing
— SO/MO Link
— Suggested Outsourcing Purchase Orders
— Suggested Outsourcing Shipments

— Work in Process