It is easy to make a mistake when entering the date on a transaction. If you don’t catch it the transaction will not post and will be stuck in batch recovery.
- Open the Fiscal period for the year that is on the transaction. (Administration>>Setup>>Company>>Fiscal Periods.
- Recover the batch and post the transaction.
- Once it has posted you can either void the transaction or enter a credit memo. If you issue a credit memo just be sure the date is the same as the original transaction date.
- Close the Fiscal period.
- Re-enter the transaction with the correct date.
If you are familiar with SQL once you have opened the Fiscal period you can also:
- Create a credit memo for the same amount as the invoice, with the same accounts, so that the GL will be offset.
- Set the posting date to the same posting date as the invoice
- Apply the credit memo to the invoice. This will offset the original GL entry, and move the transactions (both Invoice and CM) to history.
- Delete these two transactions from history, which will remove the AP data but not the GL data – which should be OK because there should be offsetting GL’s anyway.
- Re-enter the invoice with the correct date, and proceed as normal from there.
To prevent this from happening in the future you can go into PSTL and under Misc. Tools there is an option for DOC DATE VERIFY, once you have selected this, if the period is not open, it will prompt the user “you cannot post to a date within a closed period. Do you want to continue?”