Njevity is headed to GPUG Summit 2016, are you?We are heading to Summit – Are you?
It’s conference season. The time of year where it’s difficult to get things done, especially things needed to prepare for a conference. But it’s also the time to invest in your company, and your team members.
Summit is THE conference for GP users. While we as partners also attend, the real benefit is from the group of peers that will become your friends, and your ‘go-to’ for GP items. One of the things we love the most about GP it it’s community. Being a part of something that is many times like family. The GP community prides itself on knowledge sharing and supporting each other. Trying to find that in other areas if difficult if not impossible.
If you haven’t been to Summit before – this is the year. It has geared up to be the LARGEST to date, and that is because of the users.
Pack your bags! Get ready to meet people in your shoes, doing the same thing you do, and always has something to share. Have your pens ready to make note of all the things you will want to do when you retur
n to the office. And most importantly – be involved. Talk to anyone and everyone, go to the events, have fun and learn. That is what GPUG Summit is all about.
We hope to see you there!