Payables Check Batch Posting Error: Invalid Column Name ‘TEN99FATCAFILEREQ’

Payables Check Batch Posting Error Invalid Column Name TEN99FATCAFILEREQ

After upgrading from GP 2013(R2) to GP 2018, the first check batch our customer tried to post failed and wend to Batch Recovery.  The error detail in the More Info section was:


A get/change operation on table ‘pm1099PeriodDtl’ failed accessing SQL data.

Invalid column name ‘TEN99FATCAFILEREQ’.

Payables Check Batch Posting Error Invalid Column Name TEN99FATCAFILEREQ


Problem:  The TEN99FATCAFILEREQ column was a new column in the PM00204 table as of GP 2015, but the upgrade did not update the table correctly.



1.       Create a staging table in SQL that matches the PM00204 table, and copy all data from the PM00204 table to it.

2.       In GP, go to Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Maintenance >> SQL.



3.       In the dropdowns at the top, select the Database and Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP

4.       Select Purchasing 1099 Period Detail in the list pane.

5.       Check the boxes for Drop Table, Create Table, Drop Auto Procedure, and Create Auto Procedure

6.       Click Process

7.       When the process is complete, go back into SQL and import the data from the staging table where it was held, BACK into the PM00204 table.


You should now be able to complete batch posting from the Batch Recovery window.