Companies in the clean tech industry have a huge potential for growth. Despite the economic downturn of the past two years, there has been a flurry of venture capital investments in clean technologies. According to preliminary data released in January by the Cleantech Group, a facilitator of clean technologies, venture investments in the clean tech arena totaled $5.6 billion for 2009. Wind energy continued to be a significant investment area in 2009. Global Fortune 500 companies, as well as energy and consumer and industrial product companies, made large investments in clean tech as well.
As investors, customers, employees, communities and governments insist on more accurate carbon emission data, organizations are beginning to track carbon emissions as rigorously as they track revenue and expenses. It’s important for clean tech companies to develop processes and controls in three key areas – measuring, monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. This is getting increasingly important given the Securities and Exchange Commission’s recent interpretive guidance on climate change disclosures, and because there is pressure coming from investors, insurers, regulators and other stakeholders for enhanced reporting on greenhouse gas emissions and related risks.
Microsoft Dynamics® GP helps you achieve accountability, transparency, and security to maintain measurement, monitoring, and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions within the Clean Technology industry in the following ways:
- Use core functionality to identify, design, and control access to critical systems, helping you monitor and protect company assets from inappropriate use or loss.
- Provide the audit trails and structured reporting needed for monitoring critical business processes or company assets.
- Set up business alerts in Microsoft Dynamics GP to report any attempt to bypass internal control procedures.
- Take advantage of electronic signatures to prevent problems with compliance or reduce the risk of losing critical data or compromising company assets.
Njevity is a Microsoft Gold Certified consulting firm that helps mid-size companies select and implement Accounting, Inventory Management, Time and Billing, Sales Force Automation, Help Desk, Document Management and Workflow applications from Microsoft, specializing in Microsoft Dynamics GP.