I’ve seen a lot of posts about reports stuck in the Management Reporter Queue including the following
– Restart MR Service
– Make sure MR service account has access in SQL
– Apply latest service pack
None of these worked for one of my clients. They are running Management Reporter 2010 SP3. To clear the queue I had to run two queries: (Always back up your data first!!!)
– select * from repository where name = ‘ReportName’
note the lines returned where the StatusType is equal to 30. Verify that the record is for the correct report.
– delete repository where name = ‘ReportName’ and StatusType = 30
If there are a lot of reports use a cursor:
declare @myID varchar(36)
declare myCursor cursor
for select ID
from Repository
where StatusType = 30
open myCursor
fetch next from myCursor into @myID
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
delete Repository where ID = @myID
fetch next from myCursor into @myID
close myCursor
deallocate myCursor