Author: Mike McPhilomy

See you at GPUG Summit

Njevity is headed to GPUG Summit 2016, are you?We are heading to Summit – Are you? It’s conference season.  The time of year where it’s difficult to get things done, especially things needed to prepare for a conference.  But it’s also the time to invest in your company, and your team members.  Summit is THE

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Make Your Life Easier Using the Snipping Tool

Can’t read that? Welcome to the world of problems that shouldn’t exist anymore in the 2100 century! It sounds simple, but just to be safe I’ll tell you how to make your – and our life easier. Whenever you have an IT problem of any kind, you often will be asked to take a screenshot

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Smith & Allen Consulting joins Njevity

  Belinda Allen Njevity, Inc. and Smith & Allen Consulting, Inc. (SACI) are pleased to announce they are joining forces effective April 1, 2016. The combined organization will be known as Njevity, Inc. The combination of these two organizations will provide more geographic reach for Njevity and will add a second Microsoft MVP in Belinda

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Still can’t decide which CRM solution provides the best value?

Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Making the decision on which CRM solution to implement can be challenging. Here is a list of some more key differentiators to help you get past the slick story tells. Dynamics CRM provides the best value and ROI and continues to dominate the CRM arena with over 2.25 million

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Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs.

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and partner hosted Cloud solutions, is no longer the powerhouse in Cloud deployed CRM. So what makes Dynamics CRM the superior and most widely used CRM product in the market? Let’s take a look at the key differentiators and find out why Dynamics CRM has an impressive 2.25 million

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CRM Blitz Day 1 – Catch the fever!

I think we can agree that Dynamics CRM is one of the most useful and dynamic tools on the market for sales, marketing and customer care. So what can Microsoft possibly do to make CRM better? After sitting through the CRM training blitz this morning about what’s new in the Dynamics CRM 2011 update, I

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Is Cloud Computing the future? My sources say “yes!”

First impressions of the Cloud will snare your thoughts and shape your views about Cloud Computing. If you continually hear from your IT department that the Cloud is a fad and that data is not secure, moving forward, you will be not be open to learning more about it. However, if early on, you heard

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The future of Cloud Computing

If you give the Cloud a chance, you will clearly see the advantages of moving your entire business to a hosted, virtual environment. Even though, cloud computing has recently exploded and is gaining momentum, just like everything else that is new to the market; there is a user adoption curve stretched over the lifespan of

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Technology Evolution and the future of Cloud Computing

I was recently involved in a conversation with a prospect and after discussing his needs to upgrade to a Cloud based ERP solution; we began talking about business processes 20-30 years ago. At the ripe old age of 28, obviously, I was stunned listening to the archaic methods and thinking about how slow business must

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Is the Cloud right for my business?

Cloud Computing is an unavoidable topic for business professionals and there are so many different ways the Cloud can be interpreted. So what should you consider when deciding if the Cloud is right for your business? Cost Savings In the present economy, does your business need to save money? Of course it does! Good business

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