Whenever possible repoint your Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and CRM 2011 Users to new Active Directory User.

Because we shouldn’t delete Users in Microsoft Dynamics CRM we disable the User when they no longer need to access CRM. This can be a time consuming process. You have to re-assign all records Owned by that User including any Workflows before disabling the User. After several years of staff changes you can end up with more disabled Users than enabled Users. In addition the Active Directory User cannot be deleted so you have a bunch of disabled Users in the AD database.

Since most of the User changes in a growing organization involve adding positions or changing the person responsible for the position why not just repoint the User records to another Active Directory User. This is a very simple process.
1. Create the new User in Active Directory
2. Open the old User record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
3. Enter the new User account in the “User Name” field as DOMAINusername.
4. Tab off the “User Name” field. The “First Name” and “Last Name” fields should populate automatically.
5. Make sure the email address(s) are correct.
6. Click “Save” or “Save & Close”.
7. Disable the old User in Active Directory.
8. Sometime in the future you can delete the Active Directory Userr.