Category: Cloud


The Best Computer You Should Buy to Run Dynamics GP

As a software professional, I often get asked questions about computer hardware.  Spending most of my career in the accounting software industry and being part of the team that designed and developed the product we now know as Microsoft Dynamics GP, I am commonly asked:         “What computer should I buy for

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Disable / Turn off UAC on Server 2012

While User Access Control can protect our servers from malicious attacks on Server 2012 it is a pain. Setting UAC to Never Notify does not turn it off. The following link explains how:… Set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciessystem EnableLUA value = 0

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A Window is Not Visible: How to Move Off-Screen Windows Back into View

Every once-in-a-while we receive a call from a client who launched an application, but the application didn’t show up on their screen. They confirmed in the taskbar that the application was running. However, the window was not visible on their screen. If you use a secondary monitor, and/or if you operate within a remote desktop

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Hypervisor Virtual Machine Vanished from host.

A Virtual Machine on one of our Hyper-Visor hosts vanished. It was no longer listed. When I opened the Fail-Over cluster management console to see if it had failed over to another node it was marked as a failed service. I checked the for the VM Configuration Files and the Virtual Hard Drives on the

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News from Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference

I have the Microsoft WPC App installed in my Facebook. This morning, I eagerly poured a cup of coffee, got onto the app and began watching the Keynotes. Steve Ballmer spoke extensively about the new Surface tablet coming out soon. Then he turned over the presentation to Tami Reller — VP at Microsoft. Tami and

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Still can’t decide which CRM solution provides the best value?

Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Making the decision on which CRM solution to implement can be challenging. Here is a list of some more key differentiators to help you get past the slick story tells. Dynamics CRM provides the best value and ROI and continues to dominate the CRM arena with over 2.25 million

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Microsoft Dynamics CRM vs.

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and partner hosted Cloud solutions, is no longer the powerhouse in Cloud deployed CRM. So what makes Dynamics CRM the superior and most widely used CRM product in the market? Let’s take a look at the key differentiators and find out why Dynamics CRM has an impressive 2.25 million

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CRM Blitz Day 1 – Catch the fever!

I think we can agree that Dynamics CRM is one of the most useful and dynamic tools on the market for sales, marketing and customer care. So what can Microsoft possibly do to make CRM better? After sitting through the CRM training blitz this morning about what’s new in the Dynamics CRM 2011 update, I

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Is Cloud Computing the future? My sources say “yes!”

First impressions of the Cloud will snare your thoughts and shape your views about Cloud Computing. If you continually hear from your IT department that the Cloud is a fad and that data is not secure, moving forward, you will be not be open to learning more about it. However, if early on, you heard

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