Category: Cloud


The future of Cloud Computing

If you give the Cloud a chance, you will clearly see the advantages of moving your entire business to a hosted, virtual environment. Even though, cloud computing has recently exploded and is gaining momentum, just like everything else that is new to the market; there is a user adoption curve stretched over the lifespan of

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State of the Technology Union

What is the state of the Technology Sector today?  With unemployment at 8.2 percent, what is the future for technology experts?   I am pleased to say that “The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades!”  (Reference to a favorite 80’s song) As I was reading this BusinessWeek article, I thought this would be an interesting topic

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Technology Evolution and the future of Cloud Computing

I was recently involved in a conversation with a prospect and after discussing his needs to upgrade to a Cloud based ERP solution; we began talking about business processes 20-30 years ago. At the ripe old age of 28, obviously, I was stunned listening to the archaic methods and thinking about how slow business must

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IT Teams grow their Cloud Knowledgebase

This newsfeed came across my desk about an IT Team that had to grow their internal knowledge or Office 365 (BPOS as it was previously called). I find it encouraging that IT Teams are taking the Cloud seriously, honing their skills and finding how to integrate in-house custom programs with the Cloud.  This

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Is the Cloud right for my business?

Cloud Computing is an unavoidable topic for business professionals and there are so many different ways the Cloud can be interpreted. So what should you consider when deciding if the Cloud is right for your business? Cost Savings In the present economy, does your business need to save money? Of course it does! Good business

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The Cloud Office of Today

Okay, confession time:  this blog is late.  I usually publish my blogs on Friday’s and an endless number of things have gotten in my way.  However, the biggest thing that has gotten in my way is simply this:  Writer’s Block!  Oh yeah, good old Writer’s Block!  But then, recent events have brought me to thinking

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Switching between on premise and cloud deployments

When you are considering ERP or CRM software, what factors do you weigh when thinking about deploying on premise or in the cloud? Do you like the flexibility of deploying in the Cloud with scalable users and fixed monthly billing? Are you more confident with the perceived security of deploying on premise? Who owns your

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Cloud and Mobility – Notes from Convergence 2012

Why do we care about Cloud Computing and Mobility? Where are you now?  Are you at your desktop?  Are you reading this on a tablet?  A phone?  What is your preference? The same considerations need to be made when considering your consumption of business data.  Let’s face it, we are all (or at least in

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Server Refresh vs. Moving to the Cloud

I recently came across an article called “Building the business case for a server refresh,” written by Daniel Eason, an IT Executive who strategized how to justify a hardware refresh to stakeholders and decision makers. A typical refresh should take place every 3-4 years, however, when the economy dipped in 2008, many companies have put

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Acumatica 3.0 Professional Services Release Review!

Professional Services employees make up a large demographic of our workforce.  They are architects, engineers, contractors and consultants like me.  We are a highly mobile workforce, often flying to work on projects or working at our client’s offices.  This creates a need for us to be able to manage our work, projects, resources and time

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