Category: Cloud


Setting up an Android Phone with Microsoft Office 365

To setup your Android Phone with your existing Office 365 email account using Exchange ActiveSync, follow these steps: From the Applications menu, select Email. This application may be named Mail on some versions of Android. Type your full e-mail address, for example, and your password, and then select Next.  Select Exchange account. This option

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Setting up an Apple iPhone with Microsoft Office 365

To setup your iPhone with your existing Office 365 email account using Exchange ActiveSync, follow these steps: If this is the first e-mail account on this iPhone, iPad, or iTouch, tap Mail. Otherwise, tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account.  Tap Microsoft Exchange.  Tap in the E-mail box and enter your full e-mail

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Error 52 Bad file name or number performing Mail Merge in CRM with Microsoft Word

Have you ever googled or bing’ed an error and notice that everyone is missing the boat? Well, that happened recently while doing a mail merge of CRM Contacts with Microsoft Word. Here’s the setup: Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM Internet Facing Deployment with a view that was setup to e-mail newsletters Using Microsoft Internet Explorer v

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The Financial Case for The Cloud

In this blog entry, I want to take on the financial case for moving your business to the Cloud. First, let’s discuss what the Cloud is and what it isn’t in the context of business applications. According to NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology) “Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network

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Cloud Computing History Lesson

Early in the last century, manufacturers had electrical generators in their facilities and their ability to produce was tied directly to their ability to generate electricity. It was Edison and Tesla who ushered the creation of the electrical grid to the American society. Think about your usage of electricity today. You flip on a light

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Publishing ERP (Dynamics GP) Reports using Microsoft CRM

We have a client who licenses both Dynamics GP and CRM through our NjevityToGo environment. They have CRM users who do not use Dynamics GP. They only have a CRM license. However, pledges and donations will be entered into Dynamics GP. The CRM users need to see the donations and pledges as entered into line

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Setting up a Motorola Droid with Exchange Online

To setup your DROID with your existing Exchange Online email account, follow these steps: On your DROID, go to Settins >> Accounts >> Add Account and select Corporate Sync; Complete the following fields as indicated: Email: enter your email address Password: enter your Exchange Online password Domain Username: enter your email address : leave blank

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Setting up an Apple iPhone with Microsoft Exchange Online

To setup your iPhone with your existing Exchange Online email account, follow these steps: On your iPhone, go to Settins >> Mail, Contacts, Calendars >> Add Account and select Microsoft Exchange; Complete the following fields as indicated: Email: enter your email address Domain: leave blank Username: enter your email address Password: enter your Exchange Online

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On Cloud Computing

With al the buzz about Cloud Computing I was planning on doing a post, but as I often find, Anne Stanton encapsulates my thoughts. Here is her post from a few days ago. On Cloud computing I added a new blog to my feeds and one of the first posts I read really rang a

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